Hemp is a sustainable healthy plant

  • Hemp can be harvested 2-3 times a year.
  • Does not need pesticides or other toxicities to grow – just fertilizer.
  • The plant consumes CO2 much faster than wood (that needs 10-30 years of growing before its ready).
  • Hemp has the longest fiber in the whole plant kingdom.
  • The pant can be used in around 50.000 different products from building materials to plastics to fabrics to beauty products to food to medicine – to benefit both humans and animals.
  • Plants comes in a large variety from industrial hemp to medicine hemp.
  • As a food supplement hemp has a balanced omega ratio and lots of protein – it’s said that we can live solely from hemp based nutricion alone.
  • Products can often be reused in new products – and when the products life ends you can trash it in your compost!

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